Signs and tests
A physical examination is often normal. However, if you have advanced ovarian cancer, it may reveal a swollen belly area and fluid in the area (called ascites).
A pelvic examination may reveal an ovarian or abdominal mass.
A CA-125 blood test is not considered a good screening test for ovarian cancer. However, it may be done if a woman:
- Have symptoms of ovarian cancer
- Has already been diagnosed with ovarian cancer to determine how well treatment is working
- Complete blood count and blood chemistry
- Pregnancy test (serum HCG)
- CT or MRI of the pelvis or abdomen
- Ultrasound of the pelvis
No lab or imaging test has ever been shown to be able to screen for or diagnose ovarian cancer in its early stages.
Surgery is used to treat all stages of ovarian cancer. For earlier stage ovarian cancer, it may be the only treatment. Surgery involves:
- Removal of the uterus (total hysterectomy)
- Removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy)
- Partial or complete removal of the omentum, the fatty layer that covers and pads organs in the abdomen
- Examination, biopsy, or removal of the lymph nodes and other tissues in the pelvis and abdomen

Surgery performed by a specialist in female reproductive cancer has been shown to result in a higher success rate.
Chemotherapy is used after surgery to treat any remaining disease. Chemotherapy can also be used if the cancer comes back. Chemotherapy may be given into the veins, or sometimes directly into the abdominal cavity (intraperitoneal).
Radiation therapy is rarely used in ovarian cancer in the United States.
After surgery and chemotherapy, patients should have:
- A physical exam (including pelvic exam) every 2 - 4 months for the first 2 years, followed by every 6 months for 3 years, and then annually
- A CA-125 blood test at each visit if the level was initially high
- Your doctor may also order a computed tomography (CT) scan of your chest, abdomen, and pelvic area and a chest x-ray.
[via: PubMed Health]