
Sunday, May 6, 2012


Have you ever known that you can save a life with first three letters (STR) of Stroke.

Stroke is actually one of the illness that strike us without pre-warning that we all get excited when hear the name. Each year 150,000 people in the UK have a stroke, and one million are currently estimated to be living with its effects. Half of stroke survivors depend on other people for help with everyday activities.

But the lucky news is that could diagnose and treat the Stroke quickly, the result may be good.

There are some Symptoms that help you to diagnose the Stroke,

Weakness of a limb – from total paralysis on one side of the body to mild clumsiness of one hand

Weakness and twisting of one side of the face, which may cause drooling problems with balance, co-ordination, vision, speech, communication or swallowing dizziness or unsteadiness

Numbness in a part of the body



In severe cases, loss of consciousness

If you see such as Symptoms, you may be able to do some check remembering first 3 letters of the Stroke.

S- Smile, tell your friend to smile
T- Talk, tell you friend to talk
R- Raise both arms, tell you friend to Raise both arms

If your friend fail to do one of this test, you have to rush him to the nearest hospital. Delay can result in death or major long-term disabilities

The Facts to the Stroke.

  • Depression
  • Cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking cigarette
  • Non-suitable foods
  • Obesity

In order to the stroke results, 60% of people may be able to have stroke and result in death or major long-term disabilities. In these people, 10 % are caused to death within first 30 days, and 30% are caused to full recovery.

There will be the risk of stroke one person in every six, so that it is your responsible to advise your friend about the Stroke.