
Saturday, May 5, 2012

How much should you eat?

According to Yoga and Naturopathy (also called Ayurveda) the following guideline is considered as a simple but golden answer to this question. “One should fill nearly half the stomach with food, a quarter of stomach with water and leave the remaining quarter for the free movement of air.” We cannon measure our stomach to determine the quantity exactly- but physically and mentally feel this easily, when we have taken right amount of food if we train ourselves. Always make it a habit to stop eating when you are still hungry and can eat some more. Be satisfied that you have eaten enough and later this habit will repay you enormously. On the other hand, as we all know, water is essential for our health so we must drink a lot of water daily. But most of us follow the less beneficial habit and drink plenty of water with or immediately after our meals because we think this water will help in digestion of food. Actually, this could work the other way and hinder the process of digestion instead of helping it. The digestive starts in the mouth. If you patiently chew your food well and let mix with the digestive saliva of the mouth without hurriedly gulping it down with water (or other drinks), your stomach and the other organs can easily handle the digestive process and you will feel light, active and no or less need of water. Then as for the drinking of water, always try to drink it sometimes before or after the meals and in between your mealtimes.