Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Yoga Lesson Four

Kati Chakrasana

This is a simple and effective safe posture that anyone can do. After completing Tadasana, you may able to take Kati Chakrasana posture. Keep a distance between your feet and keep your knees shoulders relax.

Now touch your right shoulder by your left hand and raise your left elbow to the shoulder level. Bring the right hand to your back and keep it bending alone waistline. Now start slowly turning upper part of the body from the waist. Don’t let your lower part to turn with the upper part.

Now concentrate with the breathing and the relaxation to that you feel tension in your mid-section of your body. Hold the posture with your calmness and happiness. Don’t ever sacrifice your happiness that you feel while practicing yoga for further advancing of the posture ignoring pain. And do it little by little till you get more comfortable on the posture with the growing result and flexibility.

After the posture, return to the starting position slowly. You can bring your hands down, relax and do the same on other side of your body. Release and relax after a few second holding the posture.

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with the help of Wasantha Manamperi
(All The Images Shown on this Post are the property of their respective owners)